The Effects of the Design Thinking-Based STEAM Program on Improvement in Creativity of Elementary Schoolers
Jin-Mi Tae,Graduate School of Education, Soongsil University 369-Sangdo-Ro, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul 06978, Korea
This study verified the effects of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) program, which was developed for attempting the creative & integrative problem solving according to the design thinking principle in order to be utilized as the alternative class of curriculum, on the improvement in creativity of the 5thgraders at elementary school. In the process of going through Empathy, definition, Ideate, prototyping and demonstration phase, the students come to attempt problem solving with their own originative method through observing user and finding their hidden needs. This experimental treatment program is characterized by what was designed to directly map out and even demonstrate own living design in order to learn the principle of IoT and to solve daily weather problem through especially applying the SW teaching aid called cloudBit. As a result of confirming the effects on the promotion in creativity through using the creativity test tool by Wallach & Kogan following the 6-week experimental treatment, the students as the research subjects were identified to have been significantly enhanced in both factors of fluency and originality compared to the students in the control group. This outcome suggests that the activity may be effective that makes and directly demonstrates own problem-solving output, not just learning knowledge simply, while supporting in order to possibly acquire easily the problem-solving phase like the design thinking for the improvement in creativity of elementary school students.
Elementary student, Design Thinking, STEAM, IoT, Creative Problem-Solving
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